Monday, April 27, 2009

In the response to the class that was...n't.

Dearest Nick of his poem so sure
of Tia Tai,
on line eight,
I'd persuade to hear more?

Specifically his "name-giving" and that "out-of-time?"
Fore I think theirs a riff in this printed line.

Oh! Illeterate Nick! How I'll Give You A Lick!
Tia Tai Had Never The Sense For Sexson's Nick'!

You're in for a flyte for memories you've left,
You're poem in the oral's is on "discount" at best.

Simplest Nick the whole "mind-games" a trick.
One Printed Line Brings You Down Like a Brick.

Let me slow it down a bit for you nick.

Does Last Semester
Cause Things To Register?

Perhaps an Assignment
Where You're Time Should've Went?

Shouldn't have written a poem
so easily disowned,

I think by now we know
that Sex's epithet's on loan.

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