Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yates Ch.2 Thoughts

All though i do understand Plato's reasoning that artificial memory will plaque humanity in the same way that writing cripples the minds of humanity in large. Writing does not cripple the minds of those who have been taught to use it correctly, jsut as artificial memory should not be used by those whom do not know how to use it. Artificial Memory is not a desecration to the memory if it is used to remember things which have not related to your life. it would seem a sin to create an artificial memory for remembering things about your children, but is it worse to remember a partial truth of your children or to forget about them altogether?

I beleive Socrates story on page 38 does justice to what I am trying to say. The last few line especially where Thamus critiques Theus upon his invention of words and how they shall spell the fall of humanity, for the weak among us will take such things as letters, and words, and moving pictures for credit. I say this for we are amongst a civilization of great achievement and technology that knowledge can by acquired at the tips of our fingers; we have the ability to go through this knowledge at a rate that has yet to be seen on this earth, yet most of us doing nothing with this ability. They fall into the troubles that have always been their to fall into only masked in different materials. They recreate, and recreate, and recreate, and thier misconceptions of realities are past onto those they've created and thus what we've created from knowledge is used for entertainment and relaxation by those whom shall never no what was put into all that they have, and want, and say that they need, and they shall overuse and addict themselves to things wish shall spell not only their doom, but the slow death of a nation that breeds itself upon using those whom do produce; those who create and know and thirst for knowledge. When all of these people have become so scarce by the spreading of the disease which has been spoken of-that is when the world things will fall apart, at the knowledge we have shall be lost, and another dark age shall be upon us, one much greater than those behind us.

That's what i got from reading that passage on page 38. Call me Psycho but I've got something.

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